
Value Added Packages

FWA Assurance

Service-oriented performance management feature that unlocks the FWA potential capabilities. As the leading new use case for CSPs, FWA performance assurance is pivotal for fulfilling the 5G promise.

Network Slicing Assurance

New generation networks require new generation management, this module enables true E2E network slicing Performance management leveraging our product modular architecture.

One-stop Acceptance pack

This value pack enables E2E site acceptance automation by means of consolidated PM, FM, CM, and DT acceptance, serving as a pillar that enables operational excellence, a pivotal function for controlling OPEX.


Serves as the field intelligence enhancement module, optimizing network configuration, including PCI, PSC, RSI, TRX, and neighbor planning. It utilizes AI and data-driven algorithms for faster and more efficient operations.

AI Virtual DT (Digital Test)

Enhances sample coverage by adding new routes to your drive test accurately. It eliminates the need for additional drive tests and completes missing or blocked routes using a specific, precisely fitted model for each technology and site configuration.

Cluster Analysis

Post-cluster drive tests for problem detection, including cross-sector detection and identifying line-of-sight obstructions using 3D maps. This streamlines and automates post-processing for enhanced efficiency.

Related Insights & Events

Solution updates

INOS preview: new kits & new interface

19 March, 2023

INOS preview: new kits & new interface. Obeidallah Ali, INOS Product Manager, shares INOS previews from the Digis Squared exhibition stand at MWC2.

Solution updates

NFV deployment validation using INOS

18 January, 2023

Network Function Virtualization: Amr Ashraf describes the benefits, capabilities and deployment considerations, and how Digis Squared’s powerful AI-tool, INOS, can help in the deployment validation of NFV.


Can you hear me now? AI-centred voice call quality testing

26 September, 2022

AI-centred voice call quality testing capabilities, including silence within calls, using Digis Squared’s INOS.


Product update: INOS used in Pre-Launch Testing for Africell Angola Network

26 May, 2022

Ahmed Ma’moon shares insights into how INOS was used as a key part of the network cluster testing and acceptance process.


Product update: “Radio Testing as a Service” – successful cloud-based INOS installation in Intel Lab

21 February, 2022

Product update: first cloud-based INOS installation in Intel Lab, with Intel® Xeon® Gold 6338N Processor, enables Radio Testing as a Service.

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