The Benefits of Automation in Telecom Managed Services

In an era defined by rapid technological advancement and increasing demands for seamless connectivity, the telecom industry stands at the forefront of innovation. Telecom Managed Services, which involve outsourcing the management of a company’s telecommunications infrastructure, have become a cornerstone for businesses seeking to optimize operations and enhance customer experiences. Within this landscape, automation emerges as a powerful tool, offering a myriad of benefits that are reshaping the future of managed services in telecom.

1. Enhanced Efficiency: Automation streamlines repetitive tasks and processes, reducing manual intervention and the likelihood of errors. By automating routine maintenance, provisioning, and troubleshooting activities, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can allocate resources more efficiently, allowing their teams to focus on higher-value tasks such as strategy development and innovation.

2. Cost Reduction: Automation helps minimize operational costs by decreasing the need for human intervention and accelerating time-to-resolution for issues. This translates into lower labor expenses, reduced downtime, and improved resource utilization, ultimately delivering cost savings for both MSPs and their clients.

3. Scalability and Flexibility: With automation, telecom managed services can scale rapidly to meet evolving business needs. Whether it’s provisioning additional network capacity or deploying new services, automated systems can adapt quickly to fluctuations in demand, providing the flexibility required to support growth and innovation.

4. Enhanced Reliability: Automated systems are designed to execute tasks consistently and accurately, minimizing the risk of human error. By implementing proactive monitoring and self-healing mechanisms, MSPs can ensure higher levels of network availability and reliability, thereby enhancing the overall quality of service for their clients.

5. Improved Customer Experience: Automation enables MSPs to deliver faster response times and proactive support, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction. By leveraging intelligent automation tools, MSPs can anticipate customer needs, personalize interactions, and deliver tailored solutions that drive loyalty and retention.

The Case for Open RAN and Open Networks

Advocates of Open RAN (Radio Access Networks) and open networks champion their potential to revolutionize the telecommunications industry by promoting flexibility, innovation, and cost-effectiveness.

Open RAN refers to a disaggregated approach to building wireless networks, using open and interoperable interfaces. This model allows operators to mix and match components from different vendors rather than being locked into a single supplier, fostering a competitive ecosystem.

Proponents argue that this could lead to significant cost reductions, especially in deploying 5G networks, as it drives down hardware costs and encourages innovation through increased competition. Additionally, open networks enable greater adaptability, allowing network operators to quickly implement new technologies and services, which is crucial in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Moreover, open networks are seen as a critical step toward enhancing network security and resilience. By diversifying the supplier base, operators can reduce dependency on any single vendor, mitigating risks associated with vendor-specific vulnerabilities and supply chain disruptions. The interoperability inherent in open RAN can also facilitate more robust security practices, as operators can integrate best-of-breed security solutions from various vendors.

This flexibility is particularly important given the rising concerns over cyber threats and the geopolitical complexities affecting the telecom supply chain. Consequently, many industry experts and regulators view open RAN and open networks as a pathway to not only technological advancement but also national security and economic resilience.

**The Legacy of Proprietary Telecom Networks**

On the other hand, supporters of legacy proprietary telecom networks argue that these systems offer unmatched reliability, performance, and security that have been refined over decades. Traditional telecom networks, built on established partnerships with trusted vendors, provide end-to-end solutions with tightly integrated hardware and software, ensuring optimal performance and stability. This integration is particularly vital for critical communications infrastructure, where any downtime or performance issues can have significant repercussions. Legacy systems also benefit from rigorous testing and certification processes, which help to maintain high standards of quality and reliability that are crucial for maintaining consumer trust and ensuring uninterrupted service.

Furthermore, critics of open RAN and open networks caution against the potential downsides of moving away from established proprietary systems. The complexity of managing and integrating multiple vendors’ components could lead to interoperability challenges and increased operational overhead. There is also the risk that the rapid pace of innovation in an open ecosystem could outstrip the ability of operators to thoroughly vet and secure new technologies, potentially introducing vulnerabilities. Additionally, the transition to open RAN may require substantial upfront investments in new infrastructure and training, posing significant barriers for smaller operators and developing regions. As such, proponents of legacy networks argue that the proven track record of proprietary systems offers a safer and more reliable path forward, particularly in contexts where stability and security are paramount.

The Future of Automation in Telecom Managed Services

As technology continues to evolve, the role of automation in telecom managed services will only become more pronounced. Here are some key trends shaping the future of automation in this space:

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies will enable MSPs to build intelligent automation systems capable of self-learning and adaptive decision-making. This will empower MSPs to anticipate and address issues before they impact services, leading to even greater levels of efficiency and reliability.

2. Network Orchestration and SDN/NFV: Software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) are transforming the way telecom networks are deployed and managed. Automation will play a crucial role in orchestrating complex network functions, optimizing resource allocation, and enabling dynamic service provisioning across virtualized environments.

3. Edge Computing and IoT: The proliferation of edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices is creating new challenges and opportunities for telecom managed services. Automation will be essential for managing the complexity of distributed edge environments, ensuring seamless connectivity, and delivering real-time insights from IoT data streams.

4. Cybersecurity Automation: With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and pervasive, automation will play a vital role in enhancing cybersecurity posture for telecom networks. Automated threat detection, incident response, and remediation capabilities will help MSPs stay ahead of emerging threats and safeguard critical infrastructure.

5. Autonomous Operations: Looking further ahead, the concept of autonomous operations, where networks and services are self-managed and self-optimized, holds great promise for the telecom industry. Through advanced automation and AI-driven analytics, MSPs will be able to achieve unprecedented levels of autonomy, enabling them to deliver highly resilient and adaptive managed services.

In conclusion, automation is revolutionizing the way telecom managed services are delivered, offering a myriad of benefits including enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, scalability, and improved customer experiences. As we look to the future, automation will continue to play a central role in driving innovation, agility, and competitiveness in the telecom industry, paving the way for a new era of intelligent and autonomous managed services.

As a renowned provider of End-to-End Managed Services across Africa, the Gulf Region, and North Africa, Digis Squared caters to various telecom domains, including Field Maintenance, RF Operations, NOC & SOC Services, and VAS & BSS DevOps. Leveraging its suite of Cognitive Operations tools, such as Katana, Digis Squared aims to achieve automation and consistently improve its SLAs to meet the diverse demands and requirements of its customers across different regions.

PS Core Configuration Audit Use Case: 4G Quality of Service (QoS) Scheme


  • Referring to QCI counters and captured traces, all subscribers have QCI 7, which is NOT designed for normal data traffic and TCP-based applications, due to its nature specifications and high bit error rate.
  • The QCI values 1–4 are allocated for traffic that requires dedicated resource allocation for a GBR, while values 5–9 are not associated with GBR requirements.


  • Reviewing all QCI-8 RF parameters on 4G Cells.
  • A New Profile has been created on HSS with QCI=8 and assigned to test SIMs on it for testing and evaluation
  • AFC SL management staff SIMs were provisioned with QCI-8 for evaluation


  • The recommended action was implemented for test SIMs. Core traces has been validated that the
  • subscriber’s actual QCI is QCI 8 (from MME Attach Accept Message sent to UE)

Drive test was conducted before and after the change on two different sites to benchmark trial in terms of the LTE downlink throughput which had around 10% increase after the trial for the test SIMs.

Event Assurance Use Case

As a part of preparation activities for event assurance in a touristic region with extremely high demand and annual traffic growth, band strategy was reviewed to address the best allocation for each technology to achieve the best out of the existing band. Following this review, it was recommended to have new spectrum strategy

Pre-launching Activities

  1. Capacity assessment and utilization studies
  2. Hardware readiness study for 2nd U900 carrier addition
  3. Re-farming for 5MHz of the GSM900 band
  4. 2nd U900 cells activation

Post-launching Activities

  • Benchmark drive tests
    • 3G/4G camping and mobility strategy adjustment including interoperability settings


  • Most of KPIs enhanced across all technologies 2G/3G/4G, especially 3G/4G throughput

Staff Augmentation for Effective Project Delivery & Operations

Staff augmentation has become a popular strategy for delivering projects effectively while positively impacting project financials. This approach offers businesses the flexibility to scale their workforce up or down based on project needs, bring in specialized skills for short-term requirements, and optimize costs. 

Using Staff Augmentation for Effective Project Delivery & Operations 

1. Flexibility in Scaling:

Staff augmentation allows companies to quickly scale their team size according to project requirements. This flexibility ensures that projects can be handled efficiently without the need to hire full-time employees for short-term needs.

2. Access to Specialized Skills:

By leveraging staff augmentation services, organizations can access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. This is especially beneficial for projects that require niche capabilities or temporary support in specific areas.

3. Cost-Effectiveness:

One of the key benefits of staff augmentation is its cost-effectiveness. Rather than bearing the overhead costs associated with full-time employees, businesses can utilize external resources on a project-basis, reducing overall expenses.

4. Faster Project Delivery:

With the ability to quickly onboard additional resources through staff augmentation, projects can be completed faster and more efficiently. This accelerated turnaround time can lead to increased client satisfaction and competitive advantage.

Positive Impact on Project Financials

1. Reduced Overhead Costs:

Staff augmentation allows companies to avoid the costs associated with hiring and retaining full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure. This cost-saving element directly impacts project financials positively.

2. Improved Budget Control:

By only paying for the resources utilized during the project duration, organizations can better control their project budgets. This results in more accurate cost estimation and allocation, reducing the risk of budget overruns.

3. Enhanced ROI:

With staff augmentation, businesses can allocate resources where they are most needed, optimizing project efficiency and ROI. The ability to access specialized skills and scale teams as required contributes to a higher return on investment for projects.

4. Mitigation of Employee-related Risks:

Engaging external resources through staff augmentation helps mitigate risks associated with full-time employees, such as turnover, training costs, and legal responsibilities. This risk mitigation positively impacts project financial stability.

The Future of Staff Augmentation Business

1. Continued Growth:

As businesses seek flexible workforce solutions and specialized expertise, the demand for staff augmentation services is expected to grow. This trend is fueled by the need for agility, cost-efficiency, and access to diverse talent pools.

2. Emphasis on Technology Integration:

The future of staff augmentation will involve a greater emphasis on technology integration, automation, and AI-driven solutions. This shift aims to enhance service quality, streamline processes, and deliver better value to clients.

3. Global Talent Pool Access:

Staff augmentation providers will increasingly tap into global talent pools, offering organizations access to a broader range of skills and capabilities. This globalized approach enables businesses to leverage diverse expertise regardless of geographic limitations.

4. Focus on Compliance and Security:

With data privacy regulations and cybersecurity concerns on the rise, the future of staff augmentation will prioritize compliance and security measures. Providers will invest in robust safeguards to protect client data and ensure regulatory adherence.

In conclusion, staff augmentation is a strategic approach that enables organizations to deliver projects effectively, optimize project financials, and adapt to evolving business demands. As the workforce landscape evolves, the future of staff augmentation businesses will be shaped by technology integration, global talent sourcing, and a steadfast commitment to compliance and security.

INOS New Feature!

We’re thrilled to unveil a game-changing addition to our Drive Testing Product INOS: Video Quality Assessment powered by AI!

 Real-time Video Assessment: Our cutting-edge AI model enables real-time assessment of streamed videos & played back videos  providing invaluable insights into video quality and performance.

 Precision and Accuracy: Say goodbye to traditional video assessments! Our AI-driven approach ensures unparalleled precision and accuracy in evaluating video quality, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.

Key Benefits:
        •       Enhanced Visibility: Gain deeper insights into video streaming quality across your network.
        •       Proactive Optimization: Identify and address potential issues before they impact user experience.
        •       Support for HD and 4K Videos: Assess the quality of all HD and 4K videos, ensuring an optimal viewing experience for all users.
        •       Improved Customer Satisfaction: standing on the real quality of videos over your network will help MNOs to deliver seamless video streaming experiences to delight your customers.

 How It Works:
        •       Our AI model continuously monitors and analyzes streamed videos, assessing various quality metrics in real-time.
        •       Actionable insights are provided instantly, enabling prompt optimization and troubleshooting.

Ready to elevate your video streaming performance? Reach out to our team today for a personalised demo and discover how INOS Video Quality Assessment can revolutionize your network management strategy!

MWC24: Exhibitor vs. Visitor

As the tech world converged once again at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 recently, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the myriad benefits this renowned event offers to businesses, both large-scale companies and SMEs alike. Whether exhibiting or simply attending, the advantages are vast and diverse, shaping the future landscape of innovation and connectivity.

For large-scale companies, exhibiting at MWC presented a golden opportunity to showcase cutting-edge technologies, solutions, and features, forge strategic partnerships, and amplify brand visibility on a global stage. From unveiling flagship products to engaging with industry leaders, the exhibition floor served as a dynamic marketplace for networking and business expansion.

Similarly, for SMEs (Small & medium enterprises), MWC offered a platform for accelerated growth, a real live marketing space, a huge media podium, and a magic way to enlarge market penetration.

It provided a level playing field to compete alongside industry giants, enabling startups, small and medium enterprises, and emerging businesses to show their capabilities and innovations, secure vital investor interest, secure partnerships with big players and clients, and garner invaluable feedback from a diverse audience. Moreover, participating in MWC allowed SMEs to gain insights into the competition’s landscape, analyze existing solutions, and identify opportunities for differentiation and innovation.

Even for those not exhibiting, attending MWC held immense value. It served as a hub for knowledge exchange, where attendees could gain insights into emerging trends, industry best practices, and future technologies through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive sessions. Moreover, attendees had the opportunity to witness firsthand the future of connectivity, exploring ground-breaking innovations in 5G, IoT, AI, and beyond. Additionally, MWC provided unparalleled networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with industry peers, potential collaborators, and thought leaders from around the globe. From informal discussions on the exhibition floor to structured networking events, MWC fostered meaningful connections that could lead to valuable partnerships, business opportunities, and collaborations.

4YFN was not just a separate event but an integral part of MWC, focusing specifically on innovative ideas and new technologies. This dedicated exhibition hall within MWC provided Startups with a platform to showcase their products and ideas, connect with investors, and explore collaboration opportunities. By participating in 4YFN, Startups could gain exposure to a global audience, validate their concepts, and secure essential funding to fuel their growth trajectory.

In conclusion, Mobile World Congress 2024 stood as a beacon of opportunity for businesses of all sizes. Whether exhibiting or attending, the benefits extended far beyond the event itself, shaping the trajectory of innovation and connectivity for years to come.

KATANA New Feature!

Superior Complaints Handling

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a groundbreaking feature on our product KATANA IPM (Intelligent Performance Management): Superior Complaints Handling. This innovative addition is designed to revolutionize the way you manage and address complaints, providing you with unparalleled insights and capabilities to enhance your overall customer experience.

Key Features:

        1.      Simplified GUI: Our user-friendly interface ensures ease of use, allowing for seamless navigation and efficient complaint management.
        2.      Multiple Location Input: Easily input data from various locations to gain a comprehensive understanding of performance across your network.
        3.      AI Prediction for CC Heat Map: Leveraging artificial intelligence, our system predicts and visualizes complaint hotspots, empowering proactive decision-making.
        4.      Integration Between Multiple Systems: Seamlessly integrate with Drive Testing, Configuration Management, and Fault Management systems for a holistic view of network performance.

Key Benefits:

        •       Proactive View on Vulnerable Areas: Identify and address potential issues before they escalate, improving network performance and customer satisfaction.
        •       Enhanced Mean Time to Detect and Resolve: Streamline complaint handling processes to minimize downtime and optimize resource allocation.
        •       Improved Customer Experience: Swiftly addressing complaints and optimizing network performance can significantly enhance the overall customer experience.
        •       Enhanced Churn and Revenue KPIs: Retain more customers and increase revenue through improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

We believe that the Superior Complaints Handling feature on KATANA IPM will empower you to achieve new heights in performance management and customer satisfaction. We are excited about this feature’s possibilities and look forward to supporting you in leveraging its full potential.

Voice Communication Innovations in the 5G Era

5G technology promises blazing-fast data speeds and brings revolutionary enhancements to voice communication. In the realm of 5G, Voice over LTE (VoLTE) serves as a cornerstone, enabling high-quality voice calls over LTE networks.

However, as the transition to standalone 5G advances, the landscape for voice options expands, introducing innovative ways to manage voice traffic.

Handling Voice in 5G NSA deployment 

In the initial stages of deploying 5G, Non-Standalone (NSA) architecture integrates 5G technology with existing LTE infrastructure. NSA 5G relies on VoLTE for voice services as the primary option, ensuring a smooth transition from 4G to 5G. This configuration maintains voice continuity and quality, utilizing the robustness of VoLTE even in the early phases of 5G deployment.

If VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is unavailable, especially in areas with limited or absent LTE coverage or for other reasons, the network activates traditional circuit-switched fallback mechanisms. In the absence of VoLTE, the network reverts to legacy 2G or 3G technologies for voice calls, resulting in a negative impact on data services and degradation in voice quality.

As 5G deployment advances, network coverage and support for VoLTE are anticipated to increase. This growth aims to minimize situations where VoLTE is unavailable, ultimately improving the quality and reliability of voice calls.

In essence, VoLTE provides superior voice quality and supports simultaneous voice and data sessions over LTE & 5G NSA. However, the absence of VoLTE support prompts a fallback to older 2G/3G networks for voice calls, ensuring continuous voice communication but potentially compromising quality and data performance. As telecom infrastructure evolves, prioritizing the expansion of VoLTE coverage remains crucial to delivering enhanced voice services across broader areas.

Figure 1: Voice Options in 5G

Handling Voice in 5G SA deployment 

As the industry transitions to Standalone (SA) 5G networks, Voice over New Radio (VoNR) emerges as the dedicated voice solution for standalone architecture. VoNR, a significant evolution from VoLTE, is optimized specifically for 5G networks, offering superior voice quality, lower latency, and enhanced support for new features enabled by 5G technology.

The transition from VoLTE to VoNR in SA 5G networks will occur gradually, allowing for a coexistence period where both technologies jointly handle voice services. This hybrid approach ensures backward compatibility and smooth migration, maintaining the integrity of voice services while capitalizing on the enhanced capabilities of VoNR.

In cases where 5G coverage is lacking or weak, alternative solutions may be needed to handle voice services despite the presence of VoNR.

To prevent bad call quality or call drops, especially for UEs making Voice over New Radio (VoNR) calls from the 5G cell edge, the UE is directed during the voice call setup towards the 5G core network (5GC). This forces a switch to an LTE/EPS connection where the radio conditions are better for the voice service, a procedure known as “EPS Fallback,” defined by 3GPP. This process also occurs when the UE is served by a 5G cell not configured or optimized for VoNR calls or when the UE lacks necessary VoNR capabilities.

Actually, we have 2 options to implement EPS fallback could be described as below

  1. In 5G release with redirection to LTE (Option A), the 5G radio connection is released after setup and redirected to LTE. Following the 5G RRC Release, the UE is instructed to reselect a 4G cell, initiating a new radio connection for the VoLTE call. During this process, the UE context is transferred from the AMF to the MME over the N26 interface.
  2. In 5G-4G Inter-RAT Handover (Option B), signaling and traffic are tunneled between SMF/UPF and MME/SGW.
Figure 2: EPS fallback options

SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Connection Continuity) is a feature in mobile networks ensuring seamless transitions between different technologies during voice calls, facilitating handover from LTE (4G) or NR (5G) to legacy 2G or 3G networks when moving out of coverage.

Both VoLTE and VoNR require an IMS system. Establishing a solid, robust, and well-tested IMS network is a challenging task, demanding considerable effort and continuous improvement.

 For more information about Digis Squared VoLTE and IMS Services please check out the Managed Services page.