The Case for Open RAN and Open Networks

Advocates of Open RAN (Radio Access Networks) and open networks champion their potential to revolutionize the telecommunications industry by promoting flexibility, innovation, and cost-effectiveness.

Open RAN refers to a disaggregated approach to building wireless networks, using open and interoperable interfaces. This model allows operators to mix and match components from different vendors rather than being locked into a single supplier, fostering a competitive ecosystem.

Proponents argue that this could lead to significant cost reductions, especially in deploying 5G networks, as it drives down hardware costs and encourages innovation through increased competition. Additionally, open networks enable greater adaptability, allowing network operators to quickly implement new technologies and services, which is crucial in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Moreover, open networks are seen as a critical step toward enhancing network security and resilience. By diversifying the supplier base, operators can reduce dependency on any single vendor, mitigating risks associated with vendor-specific vulnerabilities and supply chain disruptions. The interoperability inherent in open RAN can also facilitate more robust security practices, as operators can integrate best-of-breed security solutions from various vendors.

This flexibility is particularly important given the rising concerns over cyber threats and the geopolitical complexities affecting the telecom supply chain. Consequently, many industry experts and regulators view open RAN and open networks as a pathway to not only technological advancement but also national security and economic resilience.

**The Legacy of Proprietary Telecom Networks**

On the other hand, supporters of legacy proprietary telecom networks argue that these systems offer unmatched reliability, performance, and security that have been refined over decades. Traditional telecom networks, built on established partnerships with trusted vendors, provide end-to-end solutions with tightly integrated hardware and software, ensuring optimal performance and stability. This integration is particularly vital for critical communications infrastructure, where any downtime or performance issues can have significant repercussions. Legacy systems also benefit from rigorous testing and certification processes, which help to maintain high standards of quality and reliability that are crucial for maintaining consumer trust and ensuring uninterrupted service.

Furthermore, critics of open RAN and open networks caution against the potential downsides of moving away from established proprietary systems. The complexity of managing and integrating multiple vendors’ components could lead to interoperability challenges and increased operational overhead. There is also the risk that the rapid pace of innovation in an open ecosystem could outstrip the ability of operators to thoroughly vet and secure new technologies, potentially introducing vulnerabilities. Additionally, the transition to open RAN may require substantial upfront investments in new infrastructure and training, posing significant barriers for smaller operators and developing regions. As such, proponents of legacy networks argue that the proven track record of proprietary systems offers a safer and more reliable path forward, particularly in contexts where stability and security are paramount.

The Future of Automation in Telecom Managed Services

As technology continues to evolve, the role of automation in telecom managed services will only become more pronounced. Here are some key trends shaping the future of automation in this space:

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies will enable MSPs to build intelligent automation systems capable of self-learning and adaptive decision-making. This will empower MSPs to anticipate and address issues before they impact services, leading to even greater levels of efficiency and reliability.

2. Network Orchestration and SDN/NFV: Software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) are transforming the way telecom networks are deployed and managed. Automation will play a crucial role in orchestrating complex network functions, optimizing resource allocation, and enabling dynamic service provisioning across virtualized environments.

3. Edge Computing and IoT: The proliferation of edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices is creating new challenges and opportunities for telecom managed services. Automation will be essential for managing the complexity of distributed edge environments, ensuring seamless connectivity, and delivering real-time insights from IoT data streams.

4. Cybersecurity Automation: With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and pervasive, automation will play a vital role in enhancing cybersecurity posture for telecom networks. Automated threat detection, incident response, and remediation capabilities will help MSPs stay ahead of emerging threats and safeguard critical infrastructure.

5. Autonomous Operations: Looking further ahead, the concept of autonomous operations, where networks and services are self-managed and self-optimized, holds great promise for the telecom industry. Through advanced automation and AI-driven analytics, MSPs will be able to achieve unprecedented levels of autonomy, enabling them to deliver highly resilient and adaptive managed services.

In conclusion, automation is revolutionizing the way telecom managed services are delivered, offering a myriad of benefits including enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, scalability, and improved customer experiences. As we look to the future, automation will continue to play a central role in driving innovation, agility, and competitiveness in the telecom industry, paving the way for a new era of intelligent and autonomous managed services.

As a renowned provider of End-to-End Managed Services across Africa, the Gulf Region, and North Africa, Digis Squared caters to various telecom domains, including Field Maintenance, RF Operations, NOC & SOC Services, and VAS & BSS DevOps. Leveraging its suite of Cognitive Operations tools, such as Katana, Digis Squared aims to achieve automation and consistently improve its SLAs to meet the diverse demands and requirements of its customers across different regions.

Staff Augmentation for Effective Project Delivery & Operations

Staff augmentation has become a popular strategy for delivering projects effectively while positively impacting project financials. This approach offers businesses the flexibility to scale their workforce up or down based on project needs, bring in specialized skills for short-term requirements, and optimize costs. 

Using Staff Augmentation for Effective Project Delivery & Operations 

1. Flexibility in Scaling:

Staff augmentation allows companies to quickly scale their team size according to project requirements. This flexibility ensures that projects can be handled efficiently without the need to hire full-time employees for short-term needs.

2. Access to Specialized Skills:

By leveraging staff augmentation services, organizations can access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. This is especially beneficial for projects that require niche capabilities or temporary support in specific areas.

3. Cost-Effectiveness:

One of the key benefits of staff augmentation is its cost-effectiveness. Rather than bearing the overhead costs associated with full-time employees, businesses can utilize external resources on a project-basis, reducing overall expenses.

4. Faster Project Delivery:

With the ability to quickly onboard additional resources through staff augmentation, projects can be completed faster and more efficiently. This accelerated turnaround time can lead to increased client satisfaction and competitive advantage.

Positive Impact on Project Financials

1. Reduced Overhead Costs:

Staff augmentation allows companies to avoid the costs associated with hiring and retaining full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure. This cost-saving element directly impacts project financials positively.

2. Improved Budget Control:

By only paying for the resources utilized during the project duration, organizations can better control their project budgets. This results in more accurate cost estimation and allocation, reducing the risk of budget overruns.

3. Enhanced ROI:

With staff augmentation, businesses can allocate resources where they are most needed, optimizing project efficiency and ROI. The ability to access specialized skills and scale teams as required contributes to a higher return on investment for projects.

4. Mitigation of Employee-related Risks:

Engaging external resources through staff augmentation helps mitigate risks associated with full-time employees, such as turnover, training costs, and legal responsibilities. This risk mitigation positively impacts project financial stability.

The Future of Staff Augmentation Business

1. Continued Growth:

As businesses seek flexible workforce solutions and specialized expertise, the demand for staff augmentation services is expected to grow. This trend is fueled by the need for agility, cost-efficiency, and access to diverse talent pools.

2. Emphasis on Technology Integration:

The future of staff augmentation will involve a greater emphasis on technology integration, automation, and AI-driven solutions. This shift aims to enhance service quality, streamline processes, and deliver better value to clients.

3. Global Talent Pool Access:

Staff augmentation providers will increasingly tap into global talent pools, offering organizations access to a broader range of skills and capabilities. This globalized approach enables businesses to leverage diverse expertise regardless of geographic limitations.

4. Focus on Compliance and Security:

With data privacy regulations and cybersecurity concerns on the rise, the future of staff augmentation will prioritize compliance and security measures. Providers will invest in robust safeguards to protect client data and ensure regulatory adherence.

In conclusion, staff augmentation is a strategic approach that enables organizations to deliver projects effectively, optimize project financials, and adapt to evolving business demands. As the workforce landscape evolves, the future of staff augmentation businesses will be shaped by technology integration, global talent sourcing, and a steadfast commitment to compliance and security.

INOS New Feature!

We’re thrilled to unveil a game-changing addition to our Drive Testing Product INOS: Video Quality Assessment powered by AI!

 Real-time Video Assessment: Our cutting-edge AI model enables real-time assessment of streamed videos & played back videos  providing invaluable insights into video quality and performance.

 Precision and Accuracy: Say goodbye to traditional video assessments! Our AI-driven approach ensures unparalleled precision and accuracy in evaluating video quality, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.

Key Benefits:
        •       Enhanced Visibility: Gain deeper insights into video streaming quality across your network.
        •       Proactive Optimization: Identify and address potential issues before they impact user experience.
        •       Support for HD and 4K Videos: Assess the quality of all HD and 4K videos, ensuring an optimal viewing experience for all users.
        •       Improved Customer Satisfaction: standing on the real quality of videos over your network will help MNOs to deliver seamless video streaming experiences to delight your customers.

 How It Works:
        •       Our AI model continuously monitors and analyzes streamed videos, assessing various quality metrics in real-time.
        •       Actionable insights are provided instantly, enabling prompt optimization and troubleshooting.

Ready to elevate your video streaming performance? Reach out to our team today for a personalised demo and discover how INOS Video Quality Assessment can revolutionize your network management strategy!

KATANA New Feature!

Superior Complaints Handling

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a groundbreaking feature on our product KATANA IPM (Intelligent Performance Management): Superior Complaints Handling. This innovative addition is designed to revolutionize the way you manage and address complaints, providing you with unparalleled insights and capabilities to enhance your overall customer experience.

Key Features:

        1.      Simplified GUI: Our user-friendly interface ensures ease of use, allowing for seamless navigation and efficient complaint management.
        2.      Multiple Location Input: Easily input data from various locations to gain a comprehensive understanding of performance across your network.
        3.      AI Prediction for CC Heat Map: Leveraging artificial intelligence, our system predicts and visualizes complaint hotspots, empowering proactive decision-making.
        4.      Integration Between Multiple Systems: Seamlessly integrate with Drive Testing, Configuration Management, and Fault Management systems for a holistic view of network performance.

Key Benefits:

        •       Proactive View on Vulnerable Areas: Identify and address potential issues before they escalate, improving network performance and customer satisfaction.
        •       Enhanced Mean Time to Detect and Resolve: Streamline complaint handling processes to minimize downtime and optimize resource allocation.
        •       Improved Customer Experience: Swiftly addressing complaints and optimizing network performance can significantly enhance the overall customer experience.
        •       Enhanced Churn and Revenue KPIs: Retain more customers and increase revenue through improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

We believe that the Superior Complaints Handling feature on KATANA IPM will empower you to achieve new heights in performance management and customer satisfaction. We are excited about this feature’s possibilities and look forward to supporting you in leveraging its full potential.

KATANA IPM Analytics

Leveraging advanced analytics and AI engine, IPM predicts and prevents network performance issues before they happen, building Capacity growth models and forecasting user behaviour and traffic load on the network, giving proper recommendations that keep network performance on track with this growth and user behaviour changes.

Figure 1: KATANA Platform Modules

IPM Analytics is the heart of KATANA IPM module, and it offers the below different uses cases.

Figure 2: IPM Main Functionalities sub-modules

Anomaly Detection:employs a machine-learning algorithm to understand the patterns of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), making comparisons and autonomously recognizing deviations. The resulting scores are presented for each instance, facilitating straightforward identification of anomalies and their deviation from the typical cluster or common behavioral patterns within the network.

Forecasting Analysis: iPM encompasses various forecasting techniques within a unified interface, granting users the capability to analyze anticipated future trends in network usage for any counter and Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Figure 3: DL Traffic Volume Forecast

Capacity Management: As networks expand and experience heightened traffic, there is often a decline in network performance. To prevent this deterioration, iPM Capacity management function becomes crucial to enhance performance and restore it to its initial levels. iPM is Addressing traffic shifts requires the strategic rebalancing of network traffic, ensuring even utilization across the network, thereby deferring capital expenditures on new equipment.

Worst Cell List: The Worst Cell List Report, an integral component of our iPM capabilities, is robustly supported by ranking conditions tied to specific periods for designated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This functionality empowers users to assess nodes with the poorest performance through detailed maps and charts.

Worst Degraded List: This module, seamlessly integrated into our iPM suite, efficiently troubleshoots and compiles a list of nodes with degraded performance over a specified period. It conducts in-depth analyses through maps and charts, facilitating immediate examination at the work area for detailed troubleshooting

Figure 4: Creation Criteria for WDL

Benchmark: After implementing an optimization action, users have the flexibility to initiate a benchmark across a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This benchmarking can be conducted on a Day-to-Day, Week-to-Week, or Month-to-Month basis, allowing for comprehensive performance evaluation over various timeframes.

Swap & Acceptance: In Swap Projects, users are required to compare Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) before and after the swap. iPM provides users with the convenient option to effortlessly compare the performance of vendors, facilitating a streamlined assessment of the impact of the swap on network performance.

MWC 2023 recap & INOS preview

Mobile World Congress 2023, the “world’s largest and most influential connectivity event”, saw over 88,500 attendees join over 2,400 exhibitors, sponsors and partners, and over 1,000 speakers and thought leaders, in Barcelona at the end of February. Gwen Edwards, Digis Squared Marketing Director, recaps the team’s success, and shares INOS previews from the exhibition stand.

MWC is back, in full force

GSMA Mobile World Congress 2023 saw over 88k people visit the Fira Gran Via over 4 days, and with all the halls and the North entrance re-opened, there was a significant change in energy – the magic of MWC was back in full force!

Digis Squared team at MWC23

Digis Squared team at MWC23, end of day 2 – a busy day!

Participating as part of the UK Pavilion, the Digis Squared team had a full schedule of client and partner meetings – plus plenty of surprise opportunities to catch up with former colleagues and meet new connections in real-life for the first time.

The Digis Squared team at MWC23 with, from top left, clockwise, Chris Lundh CEO of client and partner Africell Angola, Abou Moustafa VP at Du, with partner Invigo, with the Tenacity Works team, with Wei Yeang (Max) Toh at Intel, and bottom left, the Omani Regulatory Team.

Work with our partners is vital to the projects we deliver for clients, and MWC23 enabled the Digis Squared team to highlight their INOS solution on the vast Intel exhibition stand. As a Gold member of the Intel Network Builders Program, and a member of the Intel Partner Alliance, Digis Sqaured collaborates closely with the valued Intel team.

MWC23 Intel Network Builders & Digis Squared

As part of the UK Pavilion at MWC23, and in collaboration with the Department for Business & Trade, Digis Squared participated in a Panel Discussion on “VR, AR & Network Optimization”, alongside Mike Jackson from UK Gov, Ed Greig FRSA from Deloitte Digital, and James Lee Burgess FRSA from UrbanXR

AR, VR& Network Optimization Panel Discussion: click through for video

MWC always delivers great networking opportunities, and the “Africa Mobile & Digital Economy Leaders Reception” was a special highlight this year.

African Business: Africa Mobile & Digital Economy Leaders Reception

New INOS hardware & GUI preview

Digis Squared used MWC23 to showcase a preview of the new form factors for INOS*, and the new fully-featured user interface. Watch this space for further INOS updates coming soon!

Thank you MWC23

The Digis Squared team were delighted to be back at MWC23 as part of the UK Pavilion, thrilled to be able to preview the new INOS interface and kits, and grateful to the brilliant Tradefair and UK Department for Business & Trade teams for all of their support.

The Digis Squared team are already making plans and looking forward to being back in Barcelona at MWC in 2024 – who knows, maybe next year we can fit the #DeloitteDigitalDog with INOS, and he can test coverage throughout every hall!

If you or your team would like to discover more about our capabilities, please get in touch: use this link or email

*What is INOS?

Digis Squared’s INOS AI tool, developed in-house, is a vendor-agnostic, multi-network-technology solution delivering automated assessment, testing, benchmarking and optimisation of networks. Generating actionable reports in just 15 minutes, combined with live-view for instant adjustments, INOS significantly reduces the time taken to complete the work and opex cost, to deliver optimum customer experience.

INOS can be implemented as a public or private cloud, or on-premise solution, and is also available as a “Radio Testing as-a-service” model. Its extensive AI analysis and remote OTA capabilities ensure speedy and accurate assessment of all aspects of network testing: SSV, in-building and drive testing, network optimization and competitor benchmarking, across all vendors, network capabilities and technologies, including 5G, private networks and OpenRAN.

INOS is built with compute resources powered by Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. Digis Squared is a Partner within the Intel Network Builders ecosystem program, and a member of the Intel Partner Alliance.

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  • Image credits: all images, as stated, and all others are copyright Digis Squared, except first image (Barcelona iStock).

Digis Squared ◦ Enabling smarter networks.

NFV deployment validation using INOS

Network Function Virtualization (NFV), is becoming increasingly important as mobile networks are being asked to handle an ever-growing number of connected devices and new use cases. In this article, Amr Ashraf, RAN and Software Solution Architect and Trainer, describes the benefits of NFV, capabilities and deployment considerations. Plus, we take a quick look at how Digis Squared’s powerful AI-tool, INOS, can help in the deployment validation of NFV.

Network Function Virtualization

Mobile virtualization – also known as network function virtualization (NFV) – is a powerful technology that has the capability to transform the way mobile networks are designed, deployed, and operated.

  • NFV enables the creation of virtualized mobile networks, and the isolation of different types of traffic on the same physical network infrastructure.
  • The creation of different virtual networks for different types of services or different user groups.
  • Multiple independent network operators to share a common infrastructure,
  • And improves the security of the network.

In this article, Amr Ashraf describes the benefits of NFV, capabilities and deployment considerations. Plus, we take a quick look at how Digis Squared’s powerful AI-tool, INOS, can help in the deployment validation of NFV.

The future of mobile network functions is virtual

Mobile virtualization is becoming increasingly important as mobile networks are being asked to handle an ever-growing number of connected devices and new use cases.

NFV & Infrastructure Sharing. One of the main benefits of mobile virtualization is that it allows for multiple independent network operators to share a common infrastructure. This can help to reduce the costs and complexity of building and maintaining mobile networks, and can also help to improve coverage and capacity in areas where it would otherwise be difficult or expensive to deploy new infrastructure.

NFV & Security. Mobile virtualization also helps to improve the security of the network by isolating different functions and providing a secure environment for each virtual network. This makes it an ideal solution for enterprise customers who need to maintain high levels of security for their sensitive data.

Deployment flexibility. Mobile virtualization is supported by software-based virtualized network functions (VNFs), which can be run on standard servers and storage systems, rather than specialized hardware. This makes it easy to scale and adapt the network to changing requirements. Additionally, it also makes it possible to deploy mobile virtualization solutions in a variety of different environments, including on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge of the network.

NFV & 5G customisations. It’s worth noting that mobile virtualization is a key technology in building the 5G network. 5G network standards are designed to support network slicing, which can create multiple isolated virtual networks on top of a common physical infrastructure. This makes it possible to create customized solutions for different types of users and use cases, such as providing high-bandwidth services for multimedia applications, or low-latency services for industrial automation and control.

NFV is the future, and the future is now. Mobile virtualization is a rapidly evolving technology with considerable potential to transform the way mobile networks are designed, deployed, and operated. In the coming years, we expect to see more and more operators turning to mobile virtualization to meet the growing demands on their networks and stay competitive in the fast-changing mobile landscape.


Implementing mobile virtualization can present a number of technical challenges, including the management and orchestration of virtualized network functions (VNFs) and ensuring network security. Managing and orchestration of VNFs is a complex task, which involves provisioning and configuring VNFs, as well as ensuring their availability and performance. This is complicated by the fact that VNFs are software-based and can be deployed on a variety of hardware and virtualization platforms.


As VNFs are software-based, they can be targeted by cyber-attacks just like any other type of software. Therefore, ensuring network security is vital when implementing mobile virtualization.

Additionally, virtualized networks may be vulnerable to new types of attacks that exploit the virtualization itself.

NFVO. One of the key solutions to these challenges is the use of network function management and orchestration (NFVO) systems. NFVOs automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of VNFs, and they help to ensure that the VNFs are highly available and perform well. They also play an important role in the orchestration of VNFs, which involves coordinating the actions of multiple VNFs to achieve a desired outcome.

Strong defences. Another key solution is the use of security solutions such as firewall, intrusion detection and prevention systems, secure VPN, and secure containers to protect the virtualized network, secure communication between virtualized functions, and protect virtualized infrastructure from unauthorized access.

Anomaly detection. Solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning can also be used to monitor and detect anomalies in the network, identify potential security threats, and take appropriate action to mitigate them.

Digis Squared recommend involving INOS Probe to undertake anomaly detection 24/7, and send these alerts to the CSP. Read more – Anomaly detection: using AI to identify, prioritise and resolve network issues.

Security strategy. In addition to these technical solutions, it’s also important to have a comprehensive security strategy in place to address any potential vulnerabilities and threats that may arise when implementing mobile virtualization. This can include implementing best practices for network design, conducting regular security assessments, and keeping systems and software up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

Skills & expertise. An often overlooked, yet important security consideration, is the need for skilled personnel who are well-versed in the technologies and best practices associated with mobile virtualization. As mobile virtualization is a complex technology that requires a deep understanding of network functions, security, and software development, it’s crucial to have a team of experts who can design, deploy, and maintain secure mobile virtualization solutions.


Drive testing can be used to validate the performance of virtualized network functions and ensure that they are providing the desired level of service. This can help to identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise, such as poor performance or dropped connections. Drive testing can also be used to compare the performance of virtualized network functions with that of traditional, hardware-based network functions, in order to ensure that the virtualized functions are providing an equivalent or better level of service.

Digis Squared’s AI-solution INOS is an essential tool in the implementation and ongoing optimization of NFV. It helps to validate and troubleshoot virtualized network functions and ensure that they are providing an equivalent or better level of service compared to traditional, hardware-based network functions. Additionally, drive testing provides key information about the environment in which the network is deployed that can be used to optimize the deployment of virtualized network functions.


Mobile virtualization is a powerful technology that has the capability to transform the way mobile networks are designed, deployed, and operated. Key benefits it enables include,

  • The creation of virtualized mobile networks, and the isolation of different types of traffic on the same physical network infrastructure.
  • The creation of different virtual networks for different types of services or different user groups.
  • Multiple independent network operators to share a common infrastructure,
  • And improves the security of the network.

However, implementing mobile virtualization can present a number of technical challenges, including the management and orchestration of virtualized network functions (VNFs) and ensuring network security.

The use of network function management and orchestration (NFVO) systems, security solutions, AI/ML-based monitoring and anomaly-detection systems, and a comprehensive security strategy can help to mitigate these challenges.

Finally, NFV is a powerful, yet complex technology – it’s essential to work with an experienced team with deep expertise who can design, deploy, and maintain mobile virtualization solutions.

In conversation with Amr Ashraf, Digis Squared’s RAN and Software Solution Architect and Trainer.

If you or your team would like to discover more about our capabilities, please get in touch: use this link or email

Find out more about INOS

INOS can be implemented as a public or private cloud, or on-premise solution, and is also available as a “Radio Testing as-a-service” model. Its extensive AI analysis and remote OTA capabilities ensure speedy and accurate assessment of all aspects of network testing: SSV, in-building and drive testing, network optimization and competitor benchmarking, across all vendors, network capabilities and technologies, including 5G, private networks and OpenRAN.

INOS is built with compute resources powered by Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. Digis Squared is a Partner within the Intel Network Builders ecosystem program, and a member of the Intel Partner Alliance.

See INOS in action at LEAP, Riyadh & MWC Barcelona

Digis Squared will be at LEAP in Riyadh at the start of February, as part of the UK Pavilion H4.G30, undertaking cloud-based INOS demos. Plus the team will be at MWC Barcelona at the end of February, with a full suite of all the INOS solutions and form factors on a dedicated exhibition stand Hall 7 B13.

Get in touch to arrange a dedicated time to meet:

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Digis Squared ◦ Enabling smarter networks.

Digis Squared announces new company & offices in Riyadh, KSA

Commitment to customers & partners in Saudi Arabia

Digis Squared are pleased to announce the official establishment of their new company and office in the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“In establishing a company and offices in Riyadh, the Digis Squared team confirm our commitment to serving our customers and partners in the Kingdom, building on the successful delivery of projects undertaken to date through Digis Squared group HQ in London,” shared Yasser ElSabrouty, Co-Founder and MD of the new KSA Digis Squared business.

Accelerated growth

“Investing in local staff is an important part of the way in which we operate, and we will be launching multiple initiatives to empower and train Saudi talents using the Saudi Government programs including “Tamheer”, amongst others. 2023 will see the continued focus on expanding our business streams in Saudi in Managed Services and System Integration, with a focus on Open RAN, 5G & private networks, and leveraging our vendor and technology agnostic AI network testing tool, INOS.”

“With so many Vision 2030 projects requiring expertise in digital transformation, AI and enhanced connectivity, this is the perfect time for the Digis Squared team to be investing in Saudi Arabia. We are excited to be working together with our clients and partners to play our part in achieving the Kingdom’s ambitious strategy.”

Offices in Riyadh

Digis Squared Arabia for Information Technology LLC

Imam Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Mohammed Road, Nimr Al Nakheel centre,

Building A 1st floor, Riyadh 12381, Saudi Arabia

If you or your team would like to discover more about our capabilities, please get in touch: use this link or email

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Digis Squared ◦ Enabling smarter networks.

Intel® Network Builders Winners’ Circle 2022: GOLD

Gold membership

The Digis Squared team are thrilled to be a part of the Intel® Network Builders Winners’ Circle, and delighted to be awarded GOLD membership this year!

Digis Squared AI telecoms tools deployed as cloud-based solutions utilise Intel® Xeon® Gold processors, delivering optimised performance and enhanced speeds. Digis Squared’s AI-tools are also available as a ‘Radio-Testing-As-A-Service in the Intel Network Builders Edge and Networking Testbed.

The team are excited to be recognised by Intel for accelerating customer excellence and advancing 5G and virtual Network Transformation with the vibrant Intel Builders ecosystem.

“Working together with Intel, Winners’ Circle partners are driving the next generation of solutions and transforming the network from edge to core.”

Intel Network Builders, December 2022

Find full details of the Intel announcement here.